There are a few rules I live by, call them codes if you will. Guiding principles that help shape my decisions. One, that I swear by when in a jam, is to ask myself, "What would Barry Manilow do?"
It just so happens that Barry canceled his Atlanta show tonight. North Point canceled church too. And since these things always seem to happen in threes, I am canceling the party .
At the end of the day, if the snow is too much for Barry's sweet, sweet dulcitones, who am I to argue? In all seriousness, I would hate for anyone to be in an accident because of me.
Here is how you can anticipate me reacting over the next few days:
1. I will probably write a post comparing the snow to when God limited the number of men Gideon could bring into battle because he wanted to show His might.
2. I will remove the post when my wife tells me it's a bit much to compare myself to Biblical heroes.
3. I will film several, mildly amusing videos with the cameraman, who came down from Charlotte to film the party.
4. I will use this as PR fodder for when I am a Christian Thousandaire. (Probably say something like, "Things weren't always so great for Jon, his first reading was met with a horrific snowstorm, in Georgia!)
I'm rambling at this point. I regret I won't get to see you tonight. The piece I wrote was called "Michael Jordan Alabama Chainsaw" and was about, well the title kind of gives it all away.
I may plan another party in the future if there's not some sort of Lake La
Actually Barry didn't cancel the show last night;the management at Phillips arena did, and it hasn't been canceled just postponed. Barry's management is already working on another date for the show to go on.
Hopefully all the food will still be good.
oh, the food was just fine....
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